Are Your Children At Risk For Diabetes and Obesity?

Are Your Children At Risk For Diabetes and Obesity?

Diabetes and obesity are two of the biggest health concerns for children in the United States. They're also two of the most preventable issues for parents, who can help their kids live a healthy life by making small changes to their daily habits. If your child is at risk for diabetes or obesity and you don't know where to start, try these simple tips:

  • Increase their physical activity.
  • Encourage them to do more physical activity.
  • Make it fun by offering rewards for completing tasks or completing goals, such as going down the slide, playing tag, or eating healthy foods.

If you have a young child or an older child who is overweight but not obese yet, it's important to get them moving! There are many ways to get kids active including playing games like hopscotch or throwing a ball around the yard (or driveway). You could even try taking advantage of nature by going hiking in the woods or enjoying a walk along the beach - just make sure that your family has plenty of fresh air while they're outside so they don't get too tired out!


A good example is the best way to teach children how to live healthy lives. If you want them to stay away from cigarettes and alcohol, don't smoke or drink alcohol yourself. Don't overeat when they're out of the house and make sure they're active every day. You can also help them by setting an example: if you sit around all day or watch TV all day, it's likely that your child will follow in your footsteps!

If there are things we can do now while they're young that help prevent obesity later in life, then why not? A healthy diet isn't difficult; it just takes some planning ahead of time! Try substituting healthier options for fast food when dining out (like salad instead of fries), choosing whole grain bread whenever possible instead of white-flour products like white bread or buns made with wheat flour which tend towards higher fat content due to refined nature  . This may mean cutting out some favourite comfort foods such as chocolate milk...but maybe it will give us more energy throughout the day so we'll actually enjoy working out more often.


  • Mealtime is important for a child's growth and development. It's also a time for family bonding, conversation, and entertainment.
  • Make mealtime a family affair by allowing your children the opportunity to eat with you or another adult in the same room. This can be as simple as having everyone sit down at the table together before eating or it could involve playing cards while they eat--whatever works best!


  • Focus on whole, unprocessed foods.
  • Avoid processed foods.
  • Avoid fast food and junk food.
  • Avoid soda pop, candy and chips as much as possible.


  • Incorporate vegetables into their meals.
  • They are a good source of fibre and antioxidants, which may help lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes.
  • Vegetables also contain important nutrients such as iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorous that can be beneficial in preventing obesity or diabetes.


  • Limit sugary beverages. Sugary foods, such as soda or other sweetened drinks, can lead to obesity and diabetes. Make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water each day!
  • Drink more water with meals instead of other beverages. Drinking water with your meals will help keep you feeling full longer and reduce calories consumed overall (which is especially important if you're trying to lose weight). If you don't like drinking plain old H2O on its own, try adding a squeeze of lemon or lime juice--it'll taste better!
  • Drink during exercise: Don't forget that exercising requires lots of energy expenditure--so make sure that it's not all done at once! Try drinking some fluids beforehand so that you don't feel dehydrated during those long runs or hikes in the wilderness (and remember never to drink alcohol before working out; it could cause dizziness which could lead to injuries).


If you are a parent and your child has diabetes, obesity or other serious health conditions, it is important to take action. The first step is to change your lifestyle so that your children don't become obese and diabetic like you.

If you have a family history of diabetes or obesity in the family, it is likely that the chances of developing these conditions increase if one member of the family has them (1). This can be prevented by taking steps such as:

  • Not eating too much sugar (2). Sugar affects our body's ability to control blood glucose levels which can lead to type 2 diabetes
  • Exercise regularly - even every day if necessary! The more active we are the better our insulin works.


Remember, the key to preventing diabetes and obesity in your children is to make sure they are physically active. Make sure they don’t skip meals, focus on whole foods and stay hydrated by drinking water or other non-sugary beverages instead of sugary beverages. Lastly, avoid skipping meals altogether as it can lead to overeating later in life when you may not feel hungry during the day but still want seconds (or thirds!) of something sweet or salty!



You might think your kids are too young to care about nutrition. But that's not true—the earlier they learn what they should eat, the more likely they'll be to make smart choices as adults.


Diabeat Plus Sugar is a clinically proven formula designed to help support healthy digestion and weight management, which are critical for preventing diabetes and obesity.

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